This list contains the names of a little over eighty students, who were accepted into the Islamic University for the 1427-1428AH/2006-2007AD School Year. If you find your name among those accepted, contact your nearest Saudi Cultural Mission. If you are unable to locate one in your country, contact the nearest Saudi Embassy or Consulate. For some countries, like Trinidad, you might have to go to Venezuela to expedite the admission papers and any other paperwork you might have to provide.
Note: This list is inclusive of the previous list, after going back to the school, I was able to write down a few more names to later make them available online. I have talked to the administration about making the names available online. I have been asked by people of other nationalities to make the list available but it is too much of a hardship since one has to manually note the names on paper. With certain countries, dozens of students have been accepted, and jotting it all down on paper, while you are standing in an un-air-conditioned hallway, is a bit difficult. So let's just hope the administration will make the list available online, as they promised to do so. This list includes names of students accepted in the Americas, Europe, Western Asia (ex-Soviet Union) and Australia and the South Pacific. There may be other students accepted from other countries that fall under this general categorization, but since this was all part of one master list, I only jotted this set down. If you know any of these people, or know of any websites in the languages of these countries, do them a favor and translate the information, or provide a link back to the Madinah Blog. As for English-speaking websites, I'd appreciate it if they would link to this site since it took a great deal of effort to be able to get the list and make it available. I have asked the administration to give me the WHOLE LIST of students accepted into the Islamic University, but they said there would be many official channels that I'd have to go through to get my hands on the list, I will try though.
Before listing the names, I'd like to convey a personal message to those brothers that were accepted to the Islamic University:
Congratulations! This might be one of the most important things you will have ever done for yourself. But beware, you were chosen out of many hundreds of applicants, so take advantage of this opportunity. Don't mess around! There might be many people that are more worthy –academically– than me or you that would do almost anything to be able to live in the Prophet's City and pray in the Prophet's Masjid. Be a benefit to yourself, your family and your community! DON'T be a "tourist", a pet name we have for all the students that come and basically waste their time buying the coolest new phone and eating fast food and basically being a waste of space. Fear Allah, and study hard.
North America:
United States: 8 Students
- محمد حميد
- محمد عبدالله الشبيكي
- يوسف جو سكافي
- حكيم خالد جمال
- بيك جواد
- جبريل علي محسن
- عبدالحليم عدنان شاوت
- فيصل هدي
Canada: 2 Students
- محمد عمر عثمان
- محمود بشير
South America and The Caribbean:
Brazil: 1 Student
إيدوارد ماجيلاتي
Saint Lucia: 2 Student
برادلي اجدوما
Haiti: 2 Students
- والت مويس
- جين روبادي أمازان
Venezuela: 2 Students
- وحيد فكتور قالقو
- ماريو خوسي النصر
Guyana: 2 Students
- عبدالسميع أمير نور
- مسعود سعيد يوسف
Trinidad: 1 Student
أحمد علي
United Kingdom: 8 Students
- جونثن قرملي
- ماثيو قرين
- سالك أحمد
- أحمد باتل ماما
- نعمان حسين
- شهباز ميهار
- إسماعيل بن محمد سعيد بمجي
- ماثيو هايلز
Netherlands: 2 Students
- محمد الشبيب
- صالح أيت قاسي
Italy: 1 Student
رزق محمد عبدالمجيد محمد إسماعيل
Portugal: 1 Student
أديسون لوبو ديبيانا
Greece: 1 Student
هابيل رشاد
Norway: 3 Students
- رحالي نورالدين محمد
- محمد زبيري
- حسين زكريا
France: 8 Students
- رياحي منير
- اليفيه ماثيو
- مهدي سلامة
- ماران فريدريك
- الان ايلويس بنجار
- كولو فرانسوا اوليفيه
- لانوزيل ارثر
- جلال صفوان
Finland: 2 Students
- يوهو هـيـنـنن
- عمر فولكن صديك
Georgia: 2 Students
- بسلان ايواز مختاروف
- أمين أمود حاجيوف
Ukraine: 1 Student
غالمدار ابراز خافي خير الله
Germany: 3 Students
- عدنان توبجاغيج
- روبرت شوارتزه
- دنس فورتو
Estonia: 1 Student
سوسلان برادزوف
Moldova: 1 Student
دين إسلام طلقت
Switzerland: 2 Students
- نيرمين احوفيتـش
- موسى خلف
Slovenia: 2 Students
- جرني سيزار
- أمير افديتـش
Denmark: 2 Students
- اركان الماسي
- سوران هلب بيترسن
Bulgaria: 2 Students
- بورسلاف كوستادينوف ايوان كوستادينوف
- محمد حمدي عبدالله
Turkey: 9 Students
- بلال شاهين متين
- مراد يلماز أنفر
- محمد أكرم شعبان ايدين
- إسماعيل عبدالله يوسف
- عثمان مولود آقصوي
- محمد بن يالجين أشرف
- محمد حمزة حسين أفجان
- طه يعقوب بن محمد اشجي
- إلياس يلديز محمد
Czech Republic: 2 Students
- فيلان فاهالا
- سامر رياض شحادة
Spain: 1 Student
هشام عبدالسلام محمدي
Belgium: 3 Students
- ايت سرحان حميد
- اليطوتي اسماعيل
- الراس يونس
Sweden: 5 Students
- اسف خان فانيفوج
- منصور فانيفوج
- ثاند توبياس
- أصال رمسيس
- اسماعيل نور محمد
Middle East & Far East
Qatar: 2 Students
- سعيد حمد جارالله جهويل
- مبارك محمد ماجد الصبيح المري
Kuwait: 8 Students
- عبدالرحمن خليفه عبدالله عوض الحميدي المطيري
- خالد عبدالله علي أحمد علي محمد
- عبدالله محمود عبدالله الهزاع
- عبدالله عيسى عبدالرحمن سرحان عبدالله
- مشاري مبارك عواد العازمي
- مساعد نبيل خالد خالد الفرحان
- عبداللطيف إبراهيم عبدالله الشاهين
- محمد خالد عبدالله عبدالرزاق الهندي
United Arab Emirates: 2 Students
- محمد صديق عقيل حمحد شريف حاجوني
- عبدالله عبيد سليمان حمد المطوع
China: 10 Students
- جانغ كون
- مامه نه ماماما
- ماتشنغ هاي
- يوسف هدايةالله نوح
- تشيولي يي
- خان تشيان
- ما تيانغ
- ماجيون
- ليوجن مو
- يان في
Japan: 1 Student
ميكي ساكارتا
Taiwan: 1 Student
ماجي ين
Singapore: 6 Students
- محمد اسراري بن أحمد سنوسي
- محمد خالد بن راف بن تائب
- محمد فيصل بن مصريف
- محمد أسلم
- محمد رزحان بن ليمان
- محمد فضلي بن صليب
Australia & The South Pacific:
Australia: 6 Students
- مصطفىعبدالرزاق السراقبي
- محمد خان
- بلال دبوسي
- عبدالله عبدالسلام أحمد زود
- مرزا حوسفتـش
- مايكل سلفاتور بوليسينا
New Zealand: 1 Student
براد هيربرت
Fiji: 1 Student
محمد امراز حسين
Check back for more information on the Islamic University…
Check out the Guide to Saudi Arabia Blog
Assalaamu alaykum,
Hope you and your family are well. Not sure if you remember me. I visited Madinah last Ramadhaan along with Abu Junaid and a few others. We sat together with Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him) at his house and a few other times also. We stayed at the Elaf Taiba hotel and you use to visit, jazzakh allaahu khair for your time and the efforts you spent with us.
Do you have a personal email address/ or other contact information that you wouldn't mind sharing with me? It would be helpful because I would like to speak to you regarding a few matters that insha'allaah you may be able to help with (if it's not too much trouble for you that is). If you don't mind sharing your contact information then it may be more appropriate if you email me at the following:
Baarik Allaahu Feek,
Saalik Ahmad