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Wednesday, May 03, 2006
This is an updated list of New Students accepted into the Islamic University of Madinah.

This list contains the names of a little over eighty students, who were accepted into the Islamic University for the 1427-1428AH/2006-2007AD School Year. If you find your name among those accepted, contact your nearest Saudi Cultural Mission. If you are unable to locate one in your country, contact the nearest Saudi Embassy or Consulate. For some countries, like Trinidad, you might have to go to Venezuela to expedite the admission papers and any other paperwork you might have to provide.

Note: This list is inclusive of the previous list, after going back to the school, I was able to write down a few more names to later make them available online. I have talked to the administration about making the names available online. I have been asked by people of other nationalities to make the list available but it is too much of a hardship since one has to manually note the names on paper. With certain countries, dozens of students have been accepted, and jotting it all down on paper, while you are standing in an un-air-conditioned hallway, is a bit difficult. So let's just hope the administration will make the list available online, as they promised to do so. This list includes names of students accepted in the Americas, Europe, Western Asia (ex-Soviet Union) and Australia and the South Pacific. There may be other students accepted from other countries that fall under this general categorization, but since this was all part of one master list, I only jotted this set down. If you know any of these people, or know of any websites in the languages of these countries, do them a favor and translate the information, or provide a link back to the Madinah Blog. As for English-speaking websites, I'd appreciate it if they would link to this site since it took a great deal of effort to be able to get the list and make it available. I have asked the administration to give me the WHOLE LIST of students accepted into the Islamic University, but they said there would be many official channels that I'd have to go through to get my hands on the list, I will try though.

Before listing the names, I'd like to convey a personal message to those brothers that were accepted to the Islamic University:
Congratulations! This might be one of the most important things you will have ever done for yourself. But beware, you were chosen out of many hundreds of applicants, so take advantage of this opportunity. Don't mess around! There might be many people that are more worthy –academically– than me or you that would do almost anything to be able to live in the Prophet's City and pray in the Prophet's Masjid. Be a benefit to yourself, your family and your community! DON'T be a "tourist", a pet name we have for all the students that come and basically waste their time buying the coolest new phone and eating fast food and basically being a waste of space. Fear Allah, and study hard.

North America:

United States: 8 Students
  1. محمد حميد
  2. محمد عبدالله الشبيكي
  3. يوسف جو سكافي
  4. حكيم خالد جمال
  5. بيك جواد
  6. جبريل علي محسن
  7. عبدالحليم عدنان شاوت
  8. فيصل هدي

Canada: 2 Students
  1. محمد عمر عثمان
  2. محمود بشير

South America and The Caribbean:

Brazil: 1 Student

إيدوارد ماجيلاتي

Saint Lucia: 2 Student

برادلي اجدوما

Haiti: 2 Students
  1. والت مويس
  2. جين روبادي أمازان

Venezuela: 2 Students
  1. وحيد فكتور قالقو
  2. ماريو خوسي النصر

Guyana: 2 Students
  1. عبدالسميع أمير نور
  2. مسعود سعيد يوسف

Trinidad: 1 Student

أحمد علي


United Kingdom: 8 Students
  1. جونثن قرملي
  2. ماثيو قرين
  3. سالك أحمد
  4. أحمد باتل ماما
  5. نعمان حسين
  6. شهباز ميهار
  7. إسماعيل بن محمد سعيد بمجي
  8. ماثيو هايلز

Netherlands: 2 Students
  1. محمد الشبيب
  2. صالح أيت قاسي

Italy: 1 Student

رزق محمد عبدالمجيد محمد إسماعيل

Portugal: 1 Student

أديسون لوبو ديبيانا

Greece: 1 Student
هابيل رشاد

Norway: 3 Students
  1. رحالي نورالدين محمد
  2. محمد زبيري
  3. حسين زكريا

France: 8 Students
  1. رياحي منير
  2. اليفيه ماثيو
  3. مهدي سلامة
  4. ماران فريدريك
  5. الان ايلويس بنجار
  6. كولو فرانسوا اوليفيه
  7. لانوزيل ارثر
  8. جلال صفوان

Finland: 2 Students
  1. يوهو هـيـنـنن
  2. عمر فولكن صديك

Georgia: 2 Students
  1. بسلان ايواز مختاروف
  2. أمين أمود حاجيوف

Ukraine: 1 Student

غالمدار ابراز خافي خير الله

Germany: 3 Students
  1. عدنان توبجاغيج
  2. روبرت شوارتزه
  3. دنس فورتو

Estonia: 1 Student
سوسلان برادزوف

Moldova: 1 Student

دين إسلام طلقت

Switzerland: 2 Students
  1. نيرمين احوفيتـش
  2. موسى خلف

Slovenia: 2 Students
  1. جرني سيزار
  2. أمير افديتـش

Denmark: 2 Students
  1. اركان الماسي
  2. سوران هلب بيترسن

Bulgaria: 2 Students
  1. بورسلاف كوستادينوف ايوان كوستادينوف
  2. محمد حمدي عبدالله

Turkey: 9 Students
  1. بلال شاهين متين
  2. مراد يلماز أنفر
  3. محمد أكرم شعبان ايدين
  4. إسماعيل عبدالله يوسف
  5. عثمان مولود آقصوي
  6. محمد بن يالجين أشرف
  7. محمد حمزة حسين أفجان
  8. طه يعقوب بن محمد اشجي
  9. إلياس يلديز محمد

Czech Republic: 2 Students
  1. فيلان فاهالا
  2. سامر رياض شحادة

Spain: 1 Student

هشام عبدالسلام محمدي

Belgium: 3 Students
  1. ايت سرحان حميد
  2. اليطوتي اسماعيل
  3. الراس يونس

Sweden: 5 Students
  • اسف خان فانيفوج
  • منصور فانيفوج
  • ثاند توبياس
  • أصال رمسيس
  • اسماعيل نور محمد

Middle East & Far East

Qatar: 2 Students
  • سعيد حمد جارالله جهويل
  • مبارك محمد ماجد الصبيح المري

Kuwait: 8 Students
  • عبدالرحمن خليفه عبدالله عوض الحميدي المطيري
  • خالد عبدالله علي أحمد علي محمد
  • عبدالله محمود عبدالله الهزاع
  • عبدالله عيسى عبدالرحمن سرحان عبدالله
  • مشاري مبارك عواد العازمي
  • مساعد نبيل خالد خالد الفرحان
  • عبداللطيف إبراهيم عبدالله الشاهين
  • محمد خالد عبدالله عبدالرزاق الهندي

United Arab Emirates: 2 Students
  • محمد صديق عقيل حمحد شريف حاجوني
  • عبدالله عبيد سليمان حمد المطوع

China: 10 Students
  • جانغ كون
  • مامه نه ماماما
  • ماتشنغ هاي
  • يوسف هدايةالله نوح
  • تشيولي يي
  • خان تشيان
  • ما تيانغ
  • ماجيون
  • ليوجن مو
  • يان في

Japan: 1 Student

ميكي ساكارتا

Taiwan: 1 Student

ماجي ين

Singapore: 6 Students
  • محمد اسراري بن أحمد سنوسي
  • محمد خالد بن راف بن تائب
  • محمد فيصل بن مصريف
  • محمد أسلم
  • محمد رزحان بن ليمان
  • محمد فضلي بن صليب

Australia & The South Pacific:

Australia: 6 Students
  1. مصطفىعبدالرزاق السراقبي
  2. محمد خان
  3. بلال دبوسي
  4. عبدالله عبدالسلام أحمد زود
  5. مرزا حوسفتـش
  6. مايكل سلفاتور بوليسينا

New Zealand: 1 Student

براد هيربرت

Fiji: 1 Student

محمد امراز حسين

Check back for more information on the Islamic University…
Check out the Guide to Saudi Arabia Blog
posted by Abu Miftah at 1:35 PM | Permalink |


  • At May 11, 2006 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Assalaamu alaykum,

    Hope you and your family are well. Not sure if you remember me. I visited Madinah last Ramadhaan along with Abu Junaid and a few others. We sat together with Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him) at his house and a few other times also. We stayed at the Elaf Taiba hotel and you use to visit, jazzakh allaahu khair for your time and the efforts you spent with us.

    Do you have a personal email address/ or other contact information that you wouldn't mind sharing with me? It would be helpful because I would like to speak to you regarding a few matters that insha'allaah you may be able to help with (if it's not too much trouble for you that is). If you don't mind sharing your contact information then it may be more appropriate if you email me at the following:

    Baarik Allaahu Feek,

    Saalik Ahmad

  • At May 13, 2006 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I noticed the list for students from western countries accepted is short. Is that all the students accepted, or are there more still not posted yet?

  • At May 18, 2006 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

    Allhamdullilahi rabbil'alameen I have been accepted.

    Wa assalakum wa rahamtullahi wa barakauhu

  • At May 19, 2006 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    as-Salâmu alaikum


    I just wonder, werent there any students from sweden accepted this time?
    Some of my friends has applied, and I hoped to find their names in the list...

    /Abd al-Wâhid

  • At June 04, 2006 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Sorry brother `Abd al-Wahid.. there were brother accepted from Sweden but I had not written the names down. I went back and got the names, I'll have them up shortly...

    We have been bogged down these days due to Finals.. Now I have some free time again. There were five students accepted from Sweden, wal-hamdu lillaah

  • At June 05, 2006 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Assalamu alaykum akhee,

    I have heard, from a brother who is studying in Madinah, that the University administration may sometimes post another list of names.

    Now that you're finished exams (I guess), if you get any new information, please post. I'd like to know if there are any more students accepted from Western European countries.


  • At June 25, 2006 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    asalaam alaykum,

    Is this the completed list for those who have been accepted for the coming year or ar there more students that have been accepted? If there are any more students from the UK please let us know.

  • At June 26, 2006 3:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Asalaamu 'Alykum Wa' Rahmatulaahi Wa' Barakaatuh

    I ask Allah and pray that these words reaches you all in highest of iman while you are in full health and wellbeing. Ameen!

    Indeed the bounties of Allah Ta’laa comes abdundantly, and His aid is never ending. We praise the All-Mighty for it, and ask Him to increaseHis favors. Allahumma Ameen.

    Dear my well-respected brothers and sisters, May Allah (Subhana wa' alaa) bestow His enabling grace upon me, and upon you all.
    Allahumma Ameen. My well respected brothers in islam, my name is Adam Hashi and I ive in North America and ; I've applied for the University of Medina this
    year around Hajj time. So, I ask you all Insha'Allah to make dua for me that the University of Medina accepts me this year Insha'Allah, because honestly brothers my heart yearns for the school and the ilm more than
    hungry stomachs yearn for food. Support me your muslim brother with your duas nsha'Allah and the angels will make the same dua for you too insha'Allah. Jazaakallahu khayran ya ikhwatil fil laah. Secondly, I wonder why the list for the students from western countries are kinda short. Wa'Salaam.


  • At July 30, 2006 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Assalam u alaikhum
    i am going for umrah and inshallah want to get a place in madinah islamic university please could u inform me for the next year list of new students next year
    e-mail me at
    please make dua for me brothers

  • At September 19, 2006 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Asalaam Wahelikoum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,

    I want to scribe myself in for the next study year (2007-2008) i will send incha Allah the admission forms this week. I would like to know how the University get to work, by choosing the students? Do they work with first come first get, or they look how much ilm etc somebody have? I'm from the Netherlands en i saw the list for this year, they didn't accept much brothers from the Netherlands how come? Didn't many brothers scribe there self in or is there a maximum from each country? Incha Allah you can help me, so they can accept me at the IU.

    Incha Allah i will send my documents this week to IU. Can you tell me perhaps how long it takes before you get answer from the IU if they accept me. What is the normal way of work Januari?

    Maybe you can answer my questions and send them by mail to me. You can contact me at

    Djazaak Allahu Gairen,

    Wahelikoum Asalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

    Othman Chahid

  • At September 21, 2006 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    assalaamu alaykum

    i was just wondering how come there are no students from africa

  • At March 11, 2007 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    brother from INDIA...
    i know this is kinda too late ( march 2007) but ur the only blogger from the islamic univ...

    brother..dont they select ppl from india...?n kin we apply if we're above 25(say 26..)...

  • At March 26, 2007 8:06 PM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    I apologize for responding to this comment SOOOOOOOOO late but I hope you will forgive me.

    There were no additions to the list once it was posted (as far as I know). I went back a few times to find out if there was anything new.

    As for those who applied, all I can say is that the rules are pretty strict as to the age limit and time since graduating from your Secondry Education, so if you are older than the age allowed, it might be better to apply to Umm al-Qura University in Makkah (check out for that).

  • At March 31, 2007 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Asalam Alykum

    I hope ikwan you are all good in eman and health inshallah.

    I am planning to apply to teh blessed university this summer but i have a few questions that i need answering ASAP:

    1) What are the opening times of the university because of heard of applicants travelling across the globe and they find it closed. So can some 1 please give me the openin times from august 07- october 07 its very likely ill go during september.

    2) Do i need book a interview before hand or do i just go there and ask 4 a interviews on the day and if i need to book how shale i go about this.

    If any of my brothers could answer these questions i would be very helpful jazakallah khair.

    Asalam Alykum ya ikwan

  • At April 01, 2007 1:08 AM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    As-salaamu alaikum...
    The University is open from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.

    The University is never closed, but there is such a thing as Weekends. As far as i know, those people that you know of who "travelled the Globe" probably decided to go to the University on a Thursday or Friday...

    Or perhaps they tried to go outside of Office Hours.

    As for booking an interview, no you don't have to book an interview. But it helps to go once or twice to see if the interviewer is present. Sometimes the interviewer might not be present...

  • At April 03, 2007 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Assalamu alykum

    My name is Mohamed Hassan Mohamed I'm 20 yrs old. My good friend was accepted last year and he is currently studying in Medina, I gave him my application along with all the required docs. He handed them jst before Hajj alhamdulilah So when Am I to expect the results inshallah plz help. Jazak allahu khair.

  • At April 04, 2007 3:46 AM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    Akhi Muhammad Hasan...

    If your application was accepted, I'd say that you should wait another month insha Allah and the new list should come out by then... maximum wait, maybe a month and a half...

    It's always good to have been presentin person though, because they prefer choosing somebody they have met rather than somebody they haven't...

  • At April 04, 2007 3:48 AM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    Akhi Muhammad Hasan...

    If your application was accepted, I'd say that you should wait another month insha Allah and the new list should come out by then... maximum wait, maybe a month and a half...

    It's always good to have been presentin person though, because they prefer choosing somebody they have met rather than somebody they haven't...

  • At April 04, 2007 4:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous


    Aki i heard the uni is closed during ramadan is this true.

    Does the same interviewer interview every person and who makes the final decision on the students.

    Last few questions do students who post and not come in person get accepted, how many students applied from the uk and how many got accepted, do alot of students come in person or post there applications.

  • At April 04, 2007 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Brother Mohamed Hassan Mohamed
    assalamu alykum jazak allahu khair abu Mistah..
    end of 2005 i went to hajj alhamdulilah with my friend it was the bedt times in my life, and we applied my friend was accepted but i wasn't. That was the reason of me not going in person again. So Abu Miftah would they take that into consideration. Jazak allahu khair assalamu alykum.

  • At April 07, 2007 9:52 PM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    Akhi Muhammad Hasan

    I am not sure what your exact circumstance was, but perhaps your frined who was accepted, can go in to explain the situation to the people who take the paperwork...

    As for the brother who asked the three questions, I'll be writing a post insha Allah that answers all your questions...

    I'm truly sorry for responding so late, please forgive me.

  • At April 07, 2007 11:57 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Assalamu alaykum brothers,

    Is the new list out for the 2007-2008 year?

    Khalid Desouky

  • At April 08, 2007 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    assalamu alykum

    jazak allahu khair. May allah grant us Paradise and lifts us up with the sidiqin and shuhadaa ameen. Anyway inshallah i will waite for two monh and ask allah for the best. give tasaleem to my friend if u bump into him He is from Australia he started from 2006/07 he is bosnian by nationality by the name of Abdurahman.
    akh Mohamed Hassan

  • At April 08, 2007 8:08 PM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    Jazakaumullaahu Khairan brothers for your comments...

    Akhi Khalid, the list hasn't come out yet, but insha Allah I will have it up as soon as it does come out and will look for your name if you have applied.

  • At April 12, 2007 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    asalaamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakautu

    I would really like to go madinah university. could anyone offer some advice as to the best way to go about it.

    my details
    Jazakallah kher
    Adnan Mir

  • At April 13, 2007 7:59 AM, Blogger Abu Miftah

    My Brother Adnan...

    I'm glad you stopped by the blog, perhaps you can find some information by visiting some of the other posts like:
    Applying to Madinah University

    And also, a very informative page:
    The Islamic University Page at

    I hope this helps you in applying.
    I will also, insha Allah, be posting soon on this subject.

    Your brother,
    Abu Miftah

  • At April 16, 2007 7:42 PM, Blogger Abu Talha





  • At May 04, 2007 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous


    Can you please let me know if anyone from South Africa has been accepted for 2007/2008.

    When do you put up the list of new students.

  • At May 06, 2007 8:55 PM, Blogger Canadian in Madinah

    Assalamu Alaikum Brother.
    Jazak Allahu Khair for the services that you are doing. I just wanted to know if the list has come out now. Jazak Allahu Khair
    Brother from Canada

  • At May 09, 2007 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous


    Im a bit confused. I applied for the university last Hajj. If am to be accepted will it appear on the list you have shown? I am from Australia. Are the anymore names on the way? May Allah reward you akhi for your help


  • At May 16, 2007 3:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    salamalaikoum akhi, firstly i would like to say may allah bless you for the service you are providing i can imagine you are very busy with your studies yet you are taking the time to help brothers around the world with information. thankyou

    and secondly i phoned my local embassy in regards to acceptance and they told me the list will not be produced until june - mid june as the system has changed.. is this true??

    your brother in islam Ashraf Dabous

  • At May 19, 2007 5:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous


    I posted a comment on May 9. Just letting you know that i made a mistake in looking at the dates so theres no need to worry about that comment.

    Im applied for the University from Australia but i think i was missing a few documents. One being by high school results and also my application form was filled mostly in English. Im just curious would this effect my acceptance? I can imagine how busy you are with exams at the moment. Akhi please let me know when you have that oppertunity.

    May Allah reward you for your efforts

  • At May 27, 2007 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Asalaamalaykum i am really nearvous about this years list may Allah get us all in the blessed city of madinah

  • At June 02, 2007 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    salam moenaleykoem warahmatollah wabarakatuh

    my name is mohammed and i also want to study insha ALlah next year in medinah. But i still didnt apllied yet iam i to late or can i still get there iam 19 years old. Is there anybody who knows if iam late or not to study there we are now in june.

    wasalam moenaleykoem warahmatollah wabarakatuhu

    your brother mohammed from the netherlands

  • At June 11, 2007 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Asalamu Caleykum Brother
    May Allaah Reward you for your Good Deeds And Wipe Away Your bad once, Brother the New List Of
    2007-2008 is already available Could you please put the list Here on the Website The List was published 9Th Of June 2007.

    Thank You Very Much

  • At June 14, 2007 7:29 PM, Blogger abdulwadood

    salamu alaiykum brothers
    i applied for the university during last years ramadhan and in every salah i pray i beg Allah that the university would accept me. They told me that they will be sending the reply during the middle of june this year. Brothers im asking you to ask the lectures of the university if they sent a reply to me , my name is Liban Mohammed Ahmed i live in the U.K. Brothers i'am desperate to go to the university of madina and only allah can grant that thats y i put my trust with allah. from where i live which is London it's hard for the shababs to learn thier deen.
    i kno a brother who goes to the university and his name is Abdurahman sugule or brother Abdikarin Bulhan ask these brothers
    if you kno them.
    assalamu alaiykum

  • At July 04, 2007 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm living in Burundi and having have many difficulties about life and how to get some Adresses for many Universties from your Country.
    So now i still waitting for your Answer and i will be happy to get some Adresses of the Universties from your Country. My E-mail:
    POBOX 3711 Bujumbura 2
    REP OF B U R U N D I

  • At October 08, 2007 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    How many people applied?

  • At January 13, 2008 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullah,I am from Jamaica and would like to apply to madinah university. How/were can I get a application form.

  • At April 10, 2008 2:06 PM, Blogger Mohamed

    Assalam A'laikum
    My name is Mohamed Adhil. Please be kind to let me know this.
    I want to know howmany students are slected in Maldives for 2008 and who are they.
    My e-mail:

  • At April 26, 2008 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    when do the results for 2008 come out?