Yes, it's what happened, I almost got arrested. Me, the good samaritan, the dude that helps old ladies cross the street (only mahrams). They wanted to put me away, "Book 'em, take 'em down to the station", said Officer Bedouin.
I ran a red light. I had to. i drive an Astro, if I were to slam the breaks, I'd go skidding to the center of the intersection, NOW THAT'S BAD! So I ran it. Little did I know that there was a Check Point set up only 50 yards (meters) down from the intersection which I criminally crossed. The signed to me to pull over, I was doomed.
I gave them my story, told them that in my country they teach me that if slamming the breaks will cause me to skid and thu spossibly causing a bigger traffic obstacle, that I should carry on at the speed that I am going, to avoid greater harm. He said, "That's the way it is here in our country too, now please, get in the Squad Car and accompany us to the station."
That was it, time to pull out my Ace of Spades:
"But Shaikh, I can't go to the station with you, it's exam time, I have tests. I just left the house to use the ATM (which I did). Sir, my wife is waiting at home, I came out to get her some bread and zabadi (yoghurt). I don't think it'll be possible for me to go with you..."
They were making space in the squad car, they even had a dud sit in the front with the cop, which is a REAL security hazard cuz every Squad Car brandishes a new, probably never been used, AK-47, which is almost standard issue these days cuz of the terrorist problem ad the Kingdom's unrelenting War on Terror.
So anyhow, they started looking at one another and feeling sorry for me. They let me go. Mind you that the pealty for breaking a red light is three days in jail and about 900 Riyals in fines (which I am probably still gonna have to pay).
Allah is Merciful and Madinah is the best city on Earth. Only here can you get away with such crimes and be pittied by the cops.
Al-Hamdu lillah