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Saturday, April 29, 2006
It's time for our finals, which are scheduled to be a week after our mid-terms (?)

Anyhow.. all blogging activities will have to come to a halt until further notice.
I will try keep up a bi-weekly posting, perhaps Mondays and Thursdays at around Noon (EST)

Till then, make du`a for all us miskeen (poor) students in the wonderful Islamic University of Madinah

Take care everybody...
posted by Abu Miftah at 7:15 PM | Permalink |


  • At April 29, 2006 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Testing this comment stuff out, it's acting lame!

  • At May 12, 2006 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Asalamu-alaikum... really liking the website!!! Major Propz my salamz to everyone i no and dont no Keep it up aight!!!! alright fresh prince ttyl!

  • At May 16, 2006 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    slm how is the finals going?? my friend is also studyn in madinh! gudluck to all you guys! M

  • At November 17, 2006 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    salaaams love this site husband studys in medina hope evryone does good on finals!

  • At December 29, 2006 9:00 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh... Just stumbled across this blog while trying to find information about Madinah University. I must say that i did enjoy reading up a few titles listed. Masha Alaah keep up the good work on the site. By the way I hope and pray that the FINALS go well. Wa 'alaikumus-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh