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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
It has been AGES since I have posted anything. That is mainly because I didn't really have anything beneficial to post. But I will start adding to this list gradually. This is the new list of students accepted for the new school year at the Islamic University of al-Madinah.

For now, all I have is the names of the students from America:

1) Muhammad Hussein---Virginia

2) Yunus Fairooz Habib---Tacoma

3) Diego Guadalupe---- New Jersey

4) Tariq Sabri...North Carolina

5) Saeed Mahboob---Maryland

6) Muhammad Mutawakil--- NY or Philly

7) Richard McEntire---Lodine California -

8) Suheil Maher Azeez---

9) Hussein Nur

10) Mikaeel Ali Hasan

11) Glen Alan Stephens

12) Muhammad Kalbi

13) Muhammad Khan

14) Jamal or Hamal Natamo Bomaani

15) Corey Phillips

16) Hayan Muthna Qasim Muthna

Please forgive me if the names aren't spelled correctly. This is how I received them from one of our brothers, Eesaa Parada, and I am sure these names are transliterated back into English from their Arabic spellings.

If you have been accepted, drop me a line so we can contact you to help along with getting things started when you come.

Congratulations to all that have been accepted. Fear Allah with this blessing that you have been given and correct your intentions before you come.
posted by Abu Miftah at 11:26 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
لله ما أخذ وله ما أعطى وكل شيء عنده لأجل مسمى

To Allah we belong, and unto Him we return.
To Allah belongs that which he takes, and that which he gives,
and everything he owns has its own set time.

Today, the las day of the month of Sha`ban, the father fo our beloved Shaikh, Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-Abbad al-Badr, has moved on to the mercy of Allah. Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin had lost his mother a few years back and buried her, and now, Allah has once again taken one of His servants back to Him.

Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin's father, Hamad, was an amazing man, subhanallaah. Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin himself is about 74 years-old, and has basically lost his eyesight in both eyes. He is normally accompanied by a son of a grandson when he comes to the Prophet's Masjid or to his local Masjid when he used to lead the prayer. As for his father, Hamad -rahimahullaah- he used to come to the local Masjid and give the adhan himself, subhanallah. He almost never missed prayer at the local mosque, and was almost always there long before the time for prayer came in so that he could give call the others to prayer.

Every once in a while, we students would see a spectacle in the Prophet's Masjid that very few people usually see. We'd see Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin walking and next to him is his father in a wheel-chair being pushed by Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin's son, Shaikh Abdur-Razzaq al-Abbad, and guiding shaikh Abdul-Muhsin would be one of his grandsons, one of Shaikh Abdur-Razzaq's sons. Four generations coming to perform prayers at the Prophet's Masjid.

May Allah bless the Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin in his calamity an bless him with patience and perseverance and help him and his family to go through this difficult time with as little hardship as possible. May he also forgive our late Shaikh Hamad and bless him in his grave and make the trial of the grave easy upon him. May he be entered into al-Firdaus (highest paradise) and may he and his family meet again in a better meeting place in the Hereafter.

And may Allah also forgive all of our loved ones who have passed, and may He preserve our surviving loved ones and make them steadfast upon the Sunnah of His Messenger -sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam- and may He bless us with a good passing and make easy for us the trial of the grave and that which comes after it.

P.S. The ٍShaikh's father's Janaazah (pre-burial funeral prayer) will be held at the Prophet's Masjid after the `Asr prayer today.
posted by Abu Miftah at 3:18 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
أحمد بلو
فراس هاني لطفي المجذوب
يحيى عبداللطيف لبابيدي
كرستوفر جون كيرس
داود إبراهيم درامي
أحمد الحساسنة
خالد فاروق دسوقي
سفان ديد سين
بنجامين سعود الاجي

معين الاسلام
ربيل مياه
أيوب آدم
أشرف دبوس
سليمان حساندى
ماشيجون دريك
دومينك كرسجن بارنيز بانيز
أسعد محمد سايدات
أمير أشرف محيي الدين بروندكير
عوليد مجل
فوكى افيكور
آدم كانث كانث فولثر
ماجد أسلم

ميشائيل لورنس
حسام عصمت سيدو عبدالقادر
خالد حسن ازعيطار
إبراهيم أكين
بورس إيفانوف

فرجل روميو برومت
ياسين اعنزي
سليمان العرامي
طارق محمد حسن
الكساندر فرانكلين هس

جندوبي صبري
إبراهيم تنجان
يوسف لحسن ميمون العدلاني
ديفيد سير انو
غروهس ماتيوه
القروي سيف الدين
هارون جلد اس
جرامي فيرجن
امابل تيري فرانك
با أوبا
بيتي جان لوك

محمد خالد محمد اغرقان
حمزه أرسلان
عمر ياسين اوبه
جهان اوزيقان
عبدالله عمر البحان
أمرالله اون صلان
محمد عبيد طلحةالله بركت

اسامه عمر سيد
اويس قيس حكمت
راتب نافع مرعي
محمد مختار ظاهر
زياد سليم إبراهيم قريش
فضل يوسف

ياسر صالح حويتي
هيثم سعيد زين
سيموك مروز
راوشت صلاح علي
عمر سعيد حنا جدعون
عثمان ميري
علي بأروتشتش
سيناد كاتوفيج

روش يوهان جون توماس
يعقوبي محمد
نوكلاس اندروبلانشو
فيصل برهام خان

يوسف أحمد جوليد
يوسف روفلا
سامي صالح غريبي
أحمد حسن إبراهيم

ادين جود ريا
عبدالقادر حسين صبريه
داود ونغن
أحمد حاجي نورية

ميوند زادران
محمد حسن محمد
سامئيل يعقوب إباسو أسبها
تنفيد كمررمان
جلال الشامي
راسل نيو جنت

أندريس ألينو خوكين بيديفين

عبدالرحمن سعيد حسن
مصطفى محمود محمد
حمال الدين عثمان
عبدالله عبدالله عثمان
عبدالرحمن هافو محمد
مصطفى غيوشونوا
أحمد طاهر عبده
شافعي سعيد عبدالرحمن
سليمان صالح سالم
محمد سليمان موامبيلي
مورغو مورتونغان إدوين
علي حسن عيد
عبدالسلام محمد عمي
جامع حاج يوسف
محمد حسن دبريل
مختار بلو صلاة ديقو

New Zealand
موسى طاهر

بولاس كال رودني
موايز والتس

افستاديوس تسيونيس

فرناندو ديسيلفيا أغستنه
جوليد سيزار راموس

Saint Lucia
دان لوبرين
دوناثان جيرالد

سليم أحكيم
بن عباس فاروق
بسولطانوف محمد خرونويش

خوسيه أنجيل قلاتايود آلايث
عمار فارس تاج الدين
جوزيف دوران فمادا

خوسيه لويس سركيس بيرس

خوسيه البيرتو غوميس بيفيدا
posted by Abu Miftah at 10:20 PM | Permalink | 27 comments